Myotherapy and Movement Clinic



You’ve had an annoying pain or discomfort for quite some time but can’t pin point when you first noticed it.  It’s now been weeks or months; and continues to niggle during certain activities, movements or positions. The pain is not always there, but it’s distinct in its location and enough to be a nuisance or worse.  Of late it’s starting to impact on things you enjoy doing or need to do, exercise, sitting, driving, sleeping!! 

What is Myotherapy?

What is Myotherapy?

I am often having to explain what it is I do as a myotherapist, there seems to be some confusion where we are placed in the healthcare system compared to phsio's, osteo's, massage therapists, and chiro's. To showcase the diversity of what we treat, here is a typical day in my clinic:

Low Back Pain Treatment

Low Back Pain Treatment

Lower-back pain is so common in our population that according to leading researcher, Professor Buchbinder, "we should treat it like the common cold," it’s VERY common.  In contrast to the common cold, rest is not recommended for low back pain, getting up and moving is.  One of the best things for low back pain is walking.

Tennis Elbow

Tennis Elbow

Traditionally, we think of tennis, (or golf elbow) when we experience elbow pain.  The majority of elbow pain is caused by time spent at the computer, not from playing tennis or golf! 

Managing Shoulder Pain - Swimmers Shoulder Part 2

Managing Shoulder Pain - Swimmers Shoulder Part 2

Swimming injuries are often caused by overuse rather than trauma. The repetitive nature of swimming can lead to muscle fatigue, heightening the likelihood of impingement type injuries. Poor technique and biomechanics are also a significant contributor to injury.

Swimmers Shoulder

Swimmers Shoulder

The highly repetitive action of swimming, which primarily uses the upper body for forward propulsion can predispose swimmers to overloading and overuse injuries of the shoulder. In fact, research indicates that 40-90% of swimmers will suffer from swimming related shoulder pain

Myotherapy vs Physiotherapy vs Osteopathy?

Myotherapy vs Physiotherapy vs Osteopathy?

There is a certain amount of cross-over with all 3 therapies, each will assess, treat and manage your condition with the goal of finding a solution to your pain or condition and assisting in getting you moving again. How this is done depends on your therapist, what they specialise in, and how they treat. 

Sever's Disease

Sever's Disease

As children go through growth phases coupled with increased participation in sport, injuries; pains and strains can start to occur.   With an ever-increasing number of children specialising in one particular sport at increasingly younger ages, the onset of overuse injuries is more common.

Exercise-associated muscle cramps

Exercise-associated muscle cramps

As a masters squad swimmer I have found myself and many of my fellow squad swimmers suffer from painful leg and foot cramps towards the end of a training session. Exercise-associated muscle cramps (EAMC) are painful and disruptive for those who experience them, and can become debilitating if they occur regularly.  

Cramping during exercise is very common, cramping is more likely to occur when muscles are in a shortened and contracted state. But why do they occur and what triggers them?

Sitting and Posture related pain

Sitting and Posture related pain

Is sitting at your desk all day good for your posture?  That all depends on if it is causing you pain and stiffness.  Sitting in the same position for countless hours a day is not ideal and will often lead to neck, shoulder and back problems, including pain, discomfort and headaches.