With the temporary closure of many physical therapy clinics it is not possible to receive hands-on treatment for muscle aches and pains. This does't mean you have to suffer through discomfort for the months ahead. There are ways you can manage muscle pain in the comfort of your home, until clinics can re-open.
Ideally, you will have one or more of the following:
· Heat Pack
· Spiky Ball
· Foam Roller
Heat packs are a great solution for increasing blood flow to the muscles, bringing more nutrients to the area.
Heat increases your body’s natural metabolic rate, leading to a quicker recovery.
Heat helps reduce pain and/or aching from stiffness, trigger points (muscle knots), cramping, spasms, and acute muscle soreness that can occur after activity (D.O.M.S).
When NOT to use heat: Inflammatory conditions including muscle strains (until inflammation and swelling have subsided), arthritis flare-ups, or infections.
Heat packs can be used from 10-30min+, depending on what type of pain you are dealing with. The more discomfort or pain you are feeling, the longer you can leave the heat on.
If you are suffering from chronic back pain, you may leave the heat pack on while you are sitting at your desk at work for an hour or two. If you have minor muscle pain 10-20min might do the trick.
Many heat packs can be heated using a microwave for 1-2min, check the instructions on your heat pack.
A spiky ball is an ideal companion for those experiencing muscle pain! Spiky balls are great to use on lingering muscle aches and pains caused by trigger points. Trigger points are those areas within your muscle that feel like knots or bands. When you press into a trigger point, it often causes discomfort and relief at the same time. They can refer pain to other areas of your body and be responsible for headaches and faux sciatica, among many other conditions.
Many people do not know how to use a spiky ball effectively. It is common for people to roll back and forth for short periods of time, it feels good so it must be right? Apart from feeling a bit of relief for a short time this is not the ideal way to use your ball.
Find the trigger points within the muscle that is the source of your pain. You can do this using your hands to begin with.
Once located, lean your ball into the area either using your body weight on the floor or by leaning against a wall.
Hold the spiky ball here for 90seconds minimum and up to 3-5minutes, on that one spot! Move to another trigger point and repeat.
It takes a minimum of 90 seconds to produce a change in the myofascial structures by mobilising the adhesive tissues and 3-5min for the surrounding fascia to release. (Myofascial Release UK. (2013).
Where not to use a spiky ball : Do not use a spiky ball over your bones! I had a client once who complained about how painful the spiky ball was to use. When I delved deeper, she informed me she had been rolling it on her spine. This is clearly a definite NO!
As with the spiky ball, when used properly a foam roller is an ideal companion to release fascial tension and trigger point pain. If you have access to both, use the spiky ball on smaller muscles or where you feel the need to get in deeper (glutes, upper back, shoulders). The foam roller would typically be used on the larger muscles of the legs, back (lats, erector spinae muscles, glutes).
See above for the instructions on how to use the spiky ball. You would normally use a foam roller on the floor but all the other instructions would apply.
Along with using the above, you can also add in some daily stretches and mobility exercises. In order for you to do this regularly, I suggest you choose one or two stretches or 3-5 mobility exercises that you can do daily. This should only take 10-15min.
If you have time I would suggest the following routine:
Start with 10-15min of heat pack
Follow up with 10-20min of spiky ball or roller
Finish with 10-20min of stretching or mobility exercises
If you are pushed for time:
5min heat pack
10min spiky ball or roller